“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” - Alfred Austin

It all began with our homeschooling unit on plants. In the Spring of 2024, we learned about plants and often found ourselves with our jaws dropped in awe as we discovered their most fascinating facts. That’s when the seed of inspiration was planted - the desire and dream of transforming our mundane backyard into a beautiful and thriving food forest garden!

We didn’t have much of a plan, but I knew I wanted it to be an experiential garden for the kids, similar to the botanical gardens in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. That was an ambitious dream, considering I had neither any experience nor any skills in gardening! So, of course, I relied on our excellent library and got bagfuls of books on gardening! We especially loved reading stories of people who transformed their communities and neighborhoods by growing a garden. Those stories inspired us the most!



